Contact Us

Cory Brown
corybrown [at] mcawv [dot] com
phone:  304-521-1681
fax:  304-521-1787

Mark Bryant
markbryant [at] mcawv [dot] com
phone:  304-521-1505
fax:  304-521-1727

Michelle Mays
michellemays [at] mcawv [dot] com
phone:  866-659-7252
fax:  304-521-1762

Angie Eddy
angieeddy [at] mcawv [dot] com
phone:  866-569-9073
fax:  304-521-1756

Tonya Ward
tonyaward [at] mcawv [dot] com
phone:  866-328-4079
fax:  304-521-1796

David Jones
davidjones [at] mcawv [dot] com
phone:  304-521-1547
fax:  304-521-1746

Dak Jones
dakjones [at] mcawv [dot] com
phone:  304-521-1560
fax:  304-521-1759

Rick Lawson
ricklawson [at] mcawv [dot] com
phone:  304-521-1667
fax:  304-521-1795

Sherri Erbentraut
sherrierbentraut [at] mcawv [dot] com
phone:  304-521-1551
fax:  304-521-1750 

"Our revenue from patient billing has far exceeded expectations.  This is not possible without the great working relationship we enjoy with your organization.  From the initial information gathered by our field staff, to the synchronization of the information in our office, to the oversight, to the work performed by your staff; it has all come together to make this a record year for LCEMS."
Earl "Buddy" Fry, Executive Director,
Lawrence County EMS