Tag Archives: Congress

Call to action from AAA

The American Ambulance Association submitted this request to all members (related to previous KAPA post)… Ask Your Congressperson to Co-Sponsor Medicare Relief and Reform (HR 5460)  September 16, 2014 AAA ACTION ALERT To: AAA Membership From:  Jimmy Johnson, AAA President Re: Ask your Congressperson to Co-Sponsor Medicare Relief and Reform (HR 5460) This week, several Members of Congress introduced

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Important request from KAPA

From Kentucky Ambulance Providers Association… H.R. 5460, the Medicare Ambulance Access, Fraud Prevention, and Reform Act  was introduced in the House yesterday afternoon by Congressmen Walden, Neal, Nunes and Welch. The American Ambulance Association has been meeting with Congressman Walden and members of the House Ways and Means Committee, and they have also met with

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"Our revenue from patient billing has far exceeded expectations.  This is not possible without the great working relationship we enjoy with your organization.  From the initial information gathered by our field staff, to the synchronization of the information in our office, to the oversight, to the work performed by your staff; it has all come together to make this a record year for LCEMS."
Earl "Buddy" Fry, Executive Director,
Lawrence County EMS